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Consistency is a bitch. I set out to write everyday and I am keeping my promise but it is a pain in the ass. The day was going so well I was getting things done and moving along but it was all stripped away with one phone call. Nothing bad happened but I pulled out the bat and started beating myself up. I surrender. It really is my only option otherwise I will just spend all day trying to fix all of the things I think are broken in my life. I just really wish I knew why I react the way that I do to certain things.

I shared about my issues with faith at the meeting tonight. I am glad I was honest about what I was thinking and how much it is scaring me. Sigh, I guess sometimes I am just going to feel like a piece of shit it is just the ebb and flow of life. It really isn’t a big fucking deal because you know what? The fucking day is OVER! See you on the otherside…