Messing Around

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I have been slacking again…The whole reason I set up this site and this journal was to motivate myself to continue writing. I don’t know what it is about me that just wants to screw around with things and not actually do anything. I spend so much time tuning and tweaking things that I never get around to writing.

Take for example this moring: I thought to myself I have to write this morning before I get ready to go to my friends house. Simple thought, simple action, but noooooo. First I have to install the Tiger administration theme for Wordpress which only takes about two minutes but then I get sidetracked reading someone elses journal.

I have been interested in Wordpress themes. I am going to continue to play with themes and at some point write my own. There are a lot of great themes out there but I really want one of my own. Something special that caters to me and me only :). I say that in jest becase I know there will be someone out there that will like it!

I have been eating like a champ. I have to limit how much I am eating before bed since it makes for wierd dreams and rolls on my stomach. 🙂