Estoy Enfermo

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OH! My aching stomach! I got a stomach bug or something the other day (actually I think it started on Saturday). It really took me out I wasn’t able to do much of anything except lie down on the couch.

I was really bummed yesterday because I couldn’t go climb, but I was very happy I got off the train before I puked all over the doors.

Stomach problems are the worst for me. Everything happens from my stomach so when I am sick like this it is completely debilitating (well not that bad but shitty (no pun intended)).

I hope to get a good nights sleep tonight so I can be fresh for tomorrow since I *have* to go in because my boss is taking the day off. He hates that I call him a boss, but if the shoe fits :)…

I won’t drag this out…there is a lot to report but much is placed elsewhere…I have to get better at updating this journal daily. I was doing well for awhile but have been slacking the last few days.

I hope I heal throughout the night. I am so grateful to have someone in my life that cares about me and wants to help me! Good stuff…

One last thing: I actually started my Christmas shopping early this year! I have a few more people to get gifts for but I am almost there, well, the process has started :).